An important process in repair work is the leveling of the walls. This process is painstaking, but the result of such repair work as laying tiles and pasting walls with wallpaper depends on the quality of its performance.
You can align the walls with a solution that is prepared from a mixture, which is easy to find in specialized stores.
For home repair purposes, it is enough to prepare a solution yourself. During construction work, commodity concrete is necessary in large quantities and if a concrete mixer can be installed for small houses for its manufacture, then for volumetric construction it is more optimal to purchase with delivery. At a bargain price, you can buy concrete in Irkutsk with delivery to the construction site directly from the manufacturer
Before applying the solution, make sure that there are no pieces of old putty and paint on the wall. If any — delete them. Then apply a special primer to the wall. If the repair costs are too large, then the primer can be replaced by PVA glue diluted in water. Having completed preparatory work, you can proceed directly to the putty walls. For this, a solution (which is not sparing should be applied with a thick layer on the wall), metal beacons that are fixed vertically on the wall to determine the required thickness of the solution (approximately two centimeters). Do not forget about the spatel with which the plaster is applied and about a strong rope for adjusting the same thickness of the solution.
After installing the lighthouses, a layer of solution is applied to the wall and leveled with a rope, moving vertically (from top to bottom up — unprincipled). This procedure is repeated several times until the desired result is obtained.
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