About concrete foundations and piles

Decide which foundation must be chosen for construction so that it withstand the weight of the structure, what sizes of supports are two important factors that determine the reliability of the built structure.

The base is a layer of soil located under the sole foundation, and carries the entire load of the object under construction. The foundation is natural, t.e. deep and artificial, t.e. weak, and small.

The correct choice of the foundation will depend on the type of basement and underground part of the building, as well as the presence or absence of a basement. For example, rocky and sandy soils are ideal for “strip” foundations, while clay soils will gradually cause deformation of the base due to the swelling and freezing of the soil with water. Columnar foundations, as a rule, are used for residential construction sites. Typically, the type of soil does not make special requirements, and this type of foundation is suitable as the most economical. Where weaker soils are located, piles drive.

Piles are made of concrete, wood, reinforced concrete, steel. Passing through weak soil places, the piles redistribute the load of the wandered building on layers of denser soil. This type of foundation was widely used in coastal areas, where there is a high probability of dangerous floods. as a result of which the destruction of the foundation may occur. Sometimes pile foundations are used to build near adjacent entrances of one house.

Very often, reinforced concrete blocks overlap piles, which are sites for basement floors. Piles are clogged under partitions and load -bearing walls. Pile foundations are a fairly expensive design. Wooden piles are considered the cheapest, but they are the most not reliable for ordinary reasons.

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