Warms for walls

Warms for walls

Typically, polystyrene or polystyrene foam has a large number of balls that are filled with air. There is no circulation in each of these balls, so this material has a high heat -insulating property. Experts recommend PSBS 25 the price is not high. This brand of polystyrene foam acts as a reliable insulation.

Of course, as well as for all materials that are used not only for decoration, but also in construction, foam has a number of positive properties, these are: this:

one. a high indicator of thermal insulation, even in such weather, when frosts are strong on the street, or with increased percentage of humidity;

2. The material has a high density, which provides good isolation not only from moisture penetration, but also protects against noise;

3. has a very small weight and simple installation conditions;

four. stable to numerous microorganisms;

5. has a fairly large operating time.

True, in addition to positive properties, polystyrene foam is endowed with some disadvantages, which include the possibility of prolonged smoldering in the event of a fire, as well as a rather low permeability of water vapor. It is because of these shortcomings that polystyrene is not recommended to be used as a material for insulation work in a wooden mansion. This is due to the fact that it does not completely end in the process of drying the wood massif after the cold period has passed. All this can provoke the appearance of a large amount of condensate, which in turn is the main reason for the start of decay of the material.